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SEN Information

SEND Coordinator: Katie Barlow
SEND Admin' Assistant: Mrs Niki Burke


SEND Local Offer

Warrington Local Offer – Warrington Borough Council want to ensure that all people, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, between the age of 0 and 25 receive the best outcomes possible. To do this Warrington want all of the information about facilities, offers and opportunities for people with SEND to be all in one place. Click the link below to look at the website to find out more.

Warrington Offer

Ask Ollie - Wonderful Warrington Website where you can learn more about SEND services and much more

Ask Ollie logo

SEND Offer at Locking Stumps Community Primary School

At Locking Stumps we strive to support all children to help them achieve at school. In order to do this, many steps are taken to help them on their learning journey. Quality teaching is vital; however for some children there may be occasions when additional support is needed to help them achieve their targets.

Below is a document outlining the programme that we offer to children with Special Educational Needs. Please click the link below or at the bottom of this page to view the programme.


Admission Arrangements for children with SEND

Admissions to school are in line with Warrington Local Authority admissions procedures for community schools. Click here to see the admission’s page. 

Equal opportunities for ALL pupils (see Equality Policy at the bottom of the page) 

  • We pledge to respect the equal human rights of all our pupils and to educate them about equality.
  • We will also respect the equal rights of our staff and other members of the school community.
  • In particular, we will comply with relevant legislation and implement school plans in relation to race equality, disability equality and gender equality.

Locking Stumps SEN Information Report

This information report is written for parents / carers who have children at Locking Stumps Community Primary School, or who may be considering their children attending the school.  It explains how we identify and support children with special educational needs at our school.  More detailed information can be found in our school SEN Policy that is also available on this website.  If you would like to discuss any of the information included in this report, or in the school SEN Policy, or if you have any further questions, please contact Jamie Vermiglio (Headteacher) or Katie Barlow (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) via the school office.

Which special educational needs can the school provide for?

At Locking Stumps Primary School, with the support of outside agencies providing specialist advice when required, we aim to meet the needs of all children who enter our school.  We are currently providing for children who have special educational needs arising from dyslexia, cognition and learning, speech and language, autism spectrum, attention and hyperactivity, dyspraxia, sensory processing and specific medical conditions.

If my child has, or develops, a special educational need how will it be identified?

Special Education Needs and disabilities are identified in a variety of ways, they may include:

  • Liaison with the previous school setting; either pre-school or during an in year admission
  • Child is performing below age related expectations
  • Child is making below expected progress despite intervention and quality first teaching
  • Concerns may be raised by staff member
  • Concerns may be raised by a parent/carer
  • Liaison with external agencies i.e. paediatrician, CAMS (mental health), Social Care

Should your child’s class teacher become concerned about your child in any way, they will speak to you and the school’s Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCo). After initial concerns have been shared, class teachers use guidance knows as ‘Special Educational Needs Support in Oxfordshire Schools’ or ‘the Oxfordshire Checklist’. This checklist helps to identify and specific areas of need for your child. It is then used to inform how we can more specifically meet the needs of your child.

What do I do if I think my child has Special Educational Needs or a Disability?

Please talk to us:

Contact the class teacher – please do not wait until parents’ evening to do this. Just call the school office and make an appointment

Contact the SENDCo – this is usually done through the class teacher initially

Contact the Headteacher – we can also sign post you to different agencies

How will Locking Stumps meet my child’s needs?

The school follows the new statutory guidelines outlined in the new Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.  This means that, in discussion with you and with your permission, we will start the process of documenting your child’s needs and how we intend to meet them within the school. 

In this school, for this purpose, we use Pupil Passports.  The Pupil Passports are written by your child’s class teacher with yourself, your child and sometimes the SENDCo.  The Pupil Passports include information about what your child is good at, what is important to / important for your child, the short term targets for your child’s progress and the support in place to help achieve those targets. 

Extra support often takes the form of specific working strategies within the classroom.  Also, small group work or individual support, either within or outside of the classroom, may be timetabled as appropriate.  Any work undertaken outside of the classroom is overseen by the class teachers and implemented by teaching assistants fully trained to deliver that specific area of support.  

Wherever possible, the classroom environment is adapted to meet the needs of individual children within the whole class setting.  This includes for example, quiet areas, whole class visual timetables, changing the background colour of interactive whiteboards and the use of ICT software such as Clicker and the Nessy Learning Programme.

Our school SENDCo will continue to monitor the provision for your child alongside the class teacher. Progress will also be discussed at termly progress meetings

Additional assessments may be facilitated through school i.e. Speech and Language Therapy

How will I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s learning?

We offer an open door policy where you are welcome to make an appointment to meet with either the class teacher or SENDCo and discuss how your child is getting on. We can offer advice and practical ways that you can help your child at home.

We believe that your child’s education should be a partnership between parents and teachers, therefore we aim to keep communication channels open and communicate regularly, especially if your child has complex needs.

If your child is on the register of Special Education Needs, they will have a Pupil Passport with information of how we are currently meeting your child’s needs and how what we are aiming towards. This is discussed at every parents’ meeting and parents are given a copy of their child’s targets. The targets set are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time scaled) targets with the expectation that the child will achieve the target by the end of the half term, or in some cases the end of the term.

What if the school does not understand how best to support my child?

Your child’s progress, and how this is recorded in the Pupil Passport, is continually being monitored and is reviewed at least termly.  If the support being offered does not seem to be sufficient to meet your child’s needs, the school will discuss with you the possibility of requesting advice from agencies/services outside of the school.  This could include for example, a specialist teacher, educational psychologist, speech and language therapist or paediatrician.  In a few cases, the SENDCo may discuss with you the possibility of asking the Local Authority to recognise your child’s needs in a formal assessment / document called an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).  The process and implications for this will be fully discussed with you and your views will be paramount.  Each child and family’s needs are different and require individual consideration. 

What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?

We mainly work with these agencies, but they can also signpost us to other appropriate agencies:

· Speech Therapist              · Behaviour Support Service         ·CAMHS

· Educational Psychologist  · Learning Support Team             · Social Care Services

 · School health Advisor     · Occupational Therapist               · Parent Partnership

· Physiotherapist                 · Paediatrician                                 · Specialist Nurses

· Pastoral Support


What happens when my child moves to another school?

All moves to and from other schools / settings are managed by the school to ensure that transition for your child is as smooth as possible. If a child comes to us from another school or a pre-school / nursery, every effort is made to liaise with that setting before your child arrives and any existing paperwork is requested.  Where appropriate, school staff visit the previous setting and extra visits to Locking Stumps can be arranged for your child before the transition formally takes place.  If your child moves from Locking Stumps to a different setting, we liaise as much as possible with the new setting and pass on all the records of support your child has received whilst attending our school.  Extra visits and summer holiday activities are arranged for those who may need extra support when moving to high school. 

How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?

All children are included in all parts of school life and we aim for all children to be included on school trips. We will provide the necessary support and staffing to ensure that this is successful.  All school trips and visits outside of school require a risk assessment. Children with significant needs may require an individual risk assessment involving parents to ensure that they are able to take part in the trip successfully.

How accessible is the school?

Locking Stumps Community Primary School has fully accessible access to all areas however, depending on the need of the child, every effort will be made to ensure accessibility. The school has 3 accessible toilets. Accommodating children with additional needs is carefully considered each year when children move classes.

Where parents/carers can get extra support?

There are a number of parent support groups within Warrington, details of these can be found in the Warrington Borough Council’s Local SEND Offer. Please do not hesitate to come into school to seek further details. Parent Partnership is an independent body who will support you at meetings or completing forms and will visit you at home, if required. Visit Warrington’s Local Offer – www.askollie.warrington.gov.uk

What to do if you are not satisfied with a decision or what is happening?

The School Complaints Procedures can be found on the school website. Your first point of contact is always the person responsible – this may be the class teacher, the Inclusion Coordinator or the Headteacher. Explain your concerns to them first.  If you are not satisfied that your concern has been addressed, speak to the Headteacher then ask for the school Governors representative. If you do not feel the issues have been resolved, we will arrange a meeting with the Chair of Governor’s who can be contacted via the school.  If your concern is with the Local Authority, contact the responsible person directly.

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