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Admission Procedure

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Admission Arrangements into Locking Stumps (or other primary schools)


To apply to our school for a place please click: https://www.warrington.gov.uk/schools  call 01925446226 (Tina or Karen) or email: schooladmissions@warrington.gov.uk. 

On the Admissions website you will find key documents for parents as well as further information and contacts. 

if you would like to book a visit to look around our school please contact the school office. However, please note, as a school we are not responsible for admissions into our school. All queries should go through Warrington Borough Council. 

Admission into Year 7 - Life after Primary School

Information about transferring your child from primary school to secondary school at the end of Year 6 -  https://www.warrington.gov.uk/schools  

Children who are due to start secondary school at the end of Year 6,  will receive a letter and leaflet which will give details about the application process.

Further information can be found on the Warrington Borough Council Website - https://www.warrington.gov.uk/schools  

Key timescales

1st Week in September - Year 6 children / parents recieve a letter outlining the process for admission to Secondary School. 

Last Week in October - All applications must be completed by parents/carers of Year 6 children

March - Parents informed of High School offer

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