Parent Feedback
Take the Parents' Evening Survey 2024
We like to collect feedback in a variety of ways: Speak to a class teacher, Speak to a member of the office staff, Send an email, Fill in feedback questionnaires, Attend Meetings and an annual survey.
We are always keen to find out what you think of our school and we are always looking to improve.
Please send us an email or call us so that we can try to help
Ofsted collect information about schools. They do this through a survey called Parent View. Feel free to use this and/or take part in our regular surveys:
PARENTAL FEEDBACK is collected at every Parents' Evening
Key findings in a recent Survey:
99% say your child is happy in school
99% say your child feels safe in school
100% of you say you would recommend our school
Parent feedback in the form of questionnaires and data collection
Below you will find some of the latest information collected from parents via questionnaires, surveys and discussions. Please feel free to contact us to share your views. We always want to improve and will do our best to ensure that you are happy with the service we are providing for you and your child.
You said PE kits being worn for the full day was a positive change. We have implemented this and will continue to review.
You said you would like a logo on PE t-shirts. We have spoken to the provider and this is an option.
You said that sometimes children are not able to eat their preferred food. We now have a new system ensuring that all children can choose what they prefer and we can usually provide it.
You said that there should be more KS1 clubs. There are now a range of clubs - even since we have returned after 'school closures'.
You said that you were sending a lot of uniform to charity and it could be reused - We now have a Uniform Swap Shop every half term for you to leave or collect uniform.
You said that you would like to know if your child was selected to celebrate their work in assembly. We now send out a celebration assembly slip the week before with your child and also send a text.
You said that you did know enough about the school uniform and how to order it. We updated our 'uniform page' with as much information as possible.
You said that you wanted more information about the new curriculm and the End of Year Expectations. We provide you with ARE and you can download Age Related Expectation Booklet for each year group to our Curriculum section. As well as this we have sent the booklets home and will do so every September and discuss at parents' evening.
You said that you really like the text messaging service we use in school - We continue to use School Ping - you said that you like this and we Ping even more!
You said that you wanted some workshops during the day - we now integrate workshops day and night (see parent meeting section of website)
You said that it was too congested in the mornings - We have implemented an 'early start' - you said that you like this - we continue to use one gate for entry (after school closures as this worked well).
On the whole, you said (and the children certainly did) you would not mind a school tie, mainly stating that they would look smart - we now have a school tie and children love them!
You said that it was a long walk to pick children up from Digital Leaders club especially when it was cold and raining - children are now collected from the hall.
After Choir Practice you said that it was sometimes very busy in the car park - we now close the gates to ensure that it is as safe as possible.
You said that you cannot attend evening meetings and mornings would be better - we now offer a range of morning parent meetings - very well attended too so thank you for this great idea.
You wanted a Maths Workshop (EYFS) - we have delivered a maths workshop and received some excellent feedback - see feedback form below - we plan to hold more of these
Workshops and Learning Meetings
Feedback From End of Year Reports
A 'Typical Parents' Evening'

A Selection of Individual Parent Quotes
Good evening Mr Vermiglio, Hope you are well and having a well earned relaxing evening after a wonderful parents evening!!! Thank you to all your staff and children who made it a wonderful experience. There was a lovely girl called Taylor who was just a pleasure to talk to! Many thanks again to you all, you make parents evening a wonderful (not scary like in my day!) experience!
Thank you very much for such a wonderful Halloween Disco - Please pass on my thanks to the staff who have given up their time!
Locking Stumps is a great school, there seems to be great leadership, amazing teachers and the children always appear well behaved and respectful.
The broad range of extra curricular activities on offer and whole school events are a real strength of Locking Stumps. Our children have developed in so many ways since starting the school and I believe that this is because of the broad and creative curriculum and the exciting opportunities to children are offered.
There is a great atmosphere in school. The teachers and staff genuinely care about the children – the staff go above and beyond for the children – they even attend events outside of school and in the community
Amazing! Everything! Fantastic pupil and family involvement and every single teacher goes the extra mile. A wonderful school which embraces diversity and encourages inclusion for everything. The communication is great – we are loving the Twitter Updates.
My child is very happy at Locking Stumps. The teacher we have helped my child’s confidence. She enjoys going into school and misses it when she is not there. There is nothing we would change about Locking Stumps!
All children are happy when they go into school and when they leave they are smiling – it is as fabulous school with amazing staff
Excellent communication, excellent support for my child. Children always come first and I am loving the Parent Pay!
This school is a credit to all he children, the teachers and staff are fantastic.
Support offered is outstanding, my sons are really happy coming to school and have improved each year.
This is my third child in this school and have been very happy with the progress and understanding for all of them. I believe the teachers understand each child's strengths and weaknesses and help each child on an individual basis. Thank you
My children love coming to Locking Stumps Primary School and very happy with overall .Would recommend this school to others.
I am happy that my child comes to this school and do believe she enjoys it very much. I have seen her through the gate now and again and she shouts and waves to me and is still happy when I walk away.
Personally I feel this is the best school in the area. The teachers & staff are very approachable. But most importantly my children come to school happy & come home happy. Always excited to tell of their learnings.
Very happy with all elements of the school. Thank you
Fantastic school with fantastic staff.
This school has helped our boy out a lot. He used to be so shy but they have brought that out of him we very proud of his work and his reading and the school I would say is the best and highly recommend it.
A Selection of Anonymous Quotes from the recent Parent Feedback